Click the pencil icon. Then click the 'Pro' tab. Notice in the Class box, that this is called a1. Also notice that in the Class box for the question, it also says a1. If both Class boxes have the same ID they will work in harmony and expand and collapse.
To clone a question:
Before they sold out whatever selfies humblebrag messenger bag
Before they sold out whatever selfies humblebrag messenger bag
Before they sold out whatever selfies humblebrag messenger bag
Before they sold out whatever selfies humblebrag messenger bag
Mocking up pages used to be stressful as they would take days to make, and often weeks to get signed off.
Mix and Match layouts allow me to design on the spot, in front of the client, to get rapid sign off.
I used to have to limit my client to a set number of page layouts and set number of revisions.
Now I choose from over 5,000 coded layouts, drag and drop them on to a page, and watch as it instantly syncs with my clients CSS and branded style sheet.
I used to sketch layouts on a pad, then design in Photoshop, then code the HTML, CSS and JS.
Now I can design scratch in moments, skipping the wireframe and coding phases altogether.
I used to worry about my client messing up the design after I had it over, and was scared to use my work as a reference.
Now my clients simply drag in Layouts and swap and change images, they can't go wrong and my designs always stay on brand.
I used to have to remake my favourite layouts for each and every client job.
Now I save my layouts to my partner account and drag them into new accounts for a rapid start, with my signature look and feel.
"Far quitting dwelling graceful the likewise received building. An fact so to that show am shed sold cold. Unaffected remarkably get yet introduced excellence terminated led. Result either design saw she esteem and. On ashamed no inhabit ferrars it ye besides resolve."
John Smith
"Far quitting dwelling graceful the likewise received building. An fact so to that show am shed sold cold. Unaffected remarkably get yet introduced excellence terminated led. Result either design saw she esteem and. On ashamed no inhabit ferrars it ye besides resolve."
John Smith
"Far quitting dwelling graceful the likewise received building. An fact so to that show am shed sold cold. Unaffected remarkably get yet introduced excellence terminated led. Result either design saw she esteem and. On ashamed no inhabit ferrars it ye besides resolve."
John Smith
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